Mosquito Control in Bristol

Mosquito found prior to providing Mosquito Control in Bristol

When it comes to mosquito control in Bristol, TN, homeowners trust the team at Lawn Doctor of the Tri-Cities. Our approach delivers both fast-acting relief against active mosquitoes and lasting protection against future mosquito activity.

While insect repellents can deter mosquitoes, they do nothing to get rid of active mosquito populations. Similarly, most DIY mosquito control products simply don’t have the same impact as professional treatments. By choosing Lawn Doctor of the Tri-Cities, families in Bristol enjoy the protection they need for a mosquito-free summer.

Before getting started with your own mosquito control plan, you might be wondering how our service works. Below, we’ll explain the three steps we take to keep mosquitoes away from your home turf.

Three Steps to Mosquito Control on Your Bristol Property

Our mosquito services for the Bristol area are performed using our Yard Armour® system. Under Yard Armour, we take the following steps to prevent, control, and manage mosquito activity each time we visit your property:

Mosquito Prevention. Our treatments are designed to neutralize upcoming outbreaks of mosquitoes by eliminating or treating the areas where mosquitoes lay their eggs. We also apply barrier treatments to potential hiding spots for mosquitoes. These treatments will neutralize any mosquito that comes into contact with the treatment product.

Mosquito Control. We don’t simply prevent future mosquito activity. We also neutralize active mosquito infestations. When treating your yard, we will identify and treat any active mosquito hotspots on your property. This will significantly reduce any existing mosquito activity within 24 hours.

Mosquito Management. In addition to treating your yard, we will work with you on ways to make your property less inviting to mosquitoes. Each time we visit, we will check for potential breeding spots and vulnerable areas. We can then provide detailed recommendations on how to discourage mosquito activity.

Mosquito Treatment Services in Bristol, TN

Lawn Doctor of the Tri-Cities is proud to keep local families protected against everyone’s least-favorite insect. Our mosquito control plans are convenient and affordable for local families, offering an easy way to keep your yard protected throughout mosquito season. On a typical plan, we will perform a new treatment every three weeks to maintain coverage throughout the warmer months.

Our mosquito services are provided to homeowners in:

  • Bristol
  • Kingsport
  • Johnson City
  • Blountville
  • Piney Flats
  • Jonesborough
  • Gray
  • Elizabethton
  • And the surrounding areas

For mosquito control in Bristol, contact Lawn Dcotor of the Tri-Cities today!