How Important is Tick Control in the NW Fort Worth Area?

Closeup picture of a tick, which can be treated by Tick Control in NW Fort Worth

How important is tick control? The answer is very important. Having a property safe from dangerous insects like ticks should be a priority for homeowners in the NW Fort Worth area. At Lawn Doctor of Keller-Southlake-NW Fort Worth, our professional technicians are trained to spot, identify, and treat for these pests. We are a trusted local resource for tick control throughout NW Fort Worth.

A common misconception about ticks is that they only live in the woods. This can lead homeowners who may not have a very wooded property to assume tick control is unnecessary. In reality, ticks can and do also live in grass, where they wait to jump on unsuspecting humans and pets.

There are actually several disease-carrying species of ticks in our area. Lawn Doctor of Keller-Southlake-NW Fort Worth is familiar with all of them. We can develop a custom tick control plan to protect your family from these sneaky parasites.

My Dog Takes an Oral Medicine for Tick Control.  Isn’t That Enough?

Great question. Having your pets on a veterinarian approved tick control program is a smart move. However, it does not control the actual environment your pet lives in and it only takes one bite, at the wrong time in the cycle of the medicine, to cause an infection.

More importantly, there is no tick control medicine for the rest of your family. We provide a comprehensive plan to control ticks and interrupt their reproductive life cycle, protecting your entire family, not just your pets.

The benefits of choosing our program are many. Here’s just a small list of reasons homeowners choose our services:

  • We are locally owned and operated. We just don’t work here, we live here too. We are your neighbors and we have a vested interest in maintaining our reputation–you know where we live!
  • Access to Lawn Doctor’s exclusive Yard Armour® program.
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If for any reason, you’re not satisfied with our service, we’ll come back out and redo it or refund your money.

NW Fort Worth, We’ve Got You Covered

As we’ve already said, we are your neighbors. We have your particular niche of the DFW area covered. By focusing on NW Fort Worth, we’re never spread too thin, yet there are plenty of areas contained within for us to keep busy. Our technicians service properties in:

  • NW Fort Worth
  • Keller
  • Southlake
  • Haslet
  • and the surrounding communities

If you are interested in learning more about our tick control services in NW Fort Worth, TX, please contact us to set up a time to meet with one of our expert technicians. We would love the opportunity to show you what we can do for your property.