Mosquito Control in Ashland

Mosquito biting on human skin before Lawn Doctor provided Mosquito Control in Ashland

If mosquito control is on your mind, you may be mostly concerned with preventing mosquitoes from ruining your summer evenings in Ashland due to their annoying buzzing and painful bites. However, the importance of these treatments goes well beyond doing away with a nuisance.

Thanks to mosquito control from Lawn Doctor of Charleston-Huntington-Ashland, you can lower the risk that your family and your pets will be harmed by these pests in more severe ways.

Facing the Threat of Mosquitoes in Ashland

Mosquitoes are a health threat for a number of reasons. Below, we provide a quick look into some of the concerns they pose:

Mosquito-borne diseases. Mosquitoes are the cause of over one million deaths each year because the diseases they spread can be fatal. These diseases include malaria, Zika virus, and West Nile.

Heartworm disease. Did you know that heartworm disease, a significant threat to dogs and cats, is actually caused by mosquitoes? Mosquitoes act as the vector for the parasite that later grows into a heartworm, clogging up the blood stream and causing intense suffering for animals.

Allergic reactions. Some people can have significant allergic reactions to mosquito bites when their body detects the proteins present in mosquito saliva.

Reduce the Risk of Mosquitoes in Ashland With Professional Mosquito Control

Our mosquito control services offer a convenient way for you to reduce the risk of being bitten by these pernicious creatures. We will create a comprehensive treatment plan for your property covering three important steps and lasting all season long.

It all starts with a thorough risk assessment of your lawn. We’ll take time to point out areas that could be harboring mosquitoes and giving them a chance to breed, as well as simple suggestions for what you can do to change the situation. Then, we will provide quick relief from swarms of mosquitoes through our targeted treatments applied in the exact spots these insects prefer resting. This treatment will dramatically reduce the number of buzzing and biting creatures around your home. Finally, our technicians will help you maintain a barrier shield against future mosquitoes through ongoing services that include preventative treatment applications.

All in all, you can trust that our team will play a crucial role in protecting your family from the risks of mosquitoes in:

  • Ashland
  • Huntington
  • Charleston
  • Hurricane
  • St. Albans
  • Or a community in the surrounding area

To learn how we reduce the risk of mosquitoes with our professional mosquito control in Ashland, contact us today!