Lawn Aeration in Hendersonville

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Aeration in Hendersonville

To grow a healthy lawn, you need healthy soil. And for healthy soil, you need lawn aeration. Unfortunately, aeration can be a tricky subject for homeowners. At Lawn Doctor of Clarksville-Nashville, we routinely see lawns that are dealing with poor aeration for one reason or another, which can result in all kinds of problems for turf.

Unsure whether your lawn needs to be aerated? Below, we’ll go over the benefits of aeration, how to tell when aeration is needed, and why we’re the perfect choice for aeration services in Hendersonville, TN!

The Benefits of Lawn Aeration

Before you hire an aeration service for your lawn, it helps to know what aeration is and why it’s so beneficial.

In a nutshell, aeration involves taking your lawn and creating small holes in the soil. By creating these holes at regular intervals, aeration offers a number of benefits for your turf. These include:

  • Healthy Ecosystem. Soil is filled with small plants and animals, many of which encourage healthy turf. By allowing the soil to breathe, you can sustain the ecosystem within your lawn’s soil, helping turf grass thrive.
  • Improved Drainage. Poorly aerated soil doesn’t just block the flow of air and oxygen. It also blocks the flow of water. When you aerate soil, you allow it to drain properly. This helps hydrate turf and other plant life, while avoiding problems related to standing water.
  • Stronger Roots. By loosening soil, you provide turf roots with space to grow and develop strength. Aeration also causes roots to split, which leads to new roots, improving turf’s resilience.

We generally recommend that you schedule a new aeration treatment every two years to maintain healthy soil. However, if your yard is suffering from soil compaction or thatch buildup, you may need an aeration treatment on a yearly basis.

Two signs your yard needs an aeration treatment are patches of struggling turf and puddle formation. Sections of thin, brittle, and worn-looking turf are usually a sign of soil compaction, too. If puddles tend to form on your yard after it rains, this signals that your soil is having trouble absorbing the water.

Core Aeration in Hendersonville

At Lawn Doctor of Clarksville-Nashville, we’re known for the quality, consistency, and long-lasting results of our treatments.

These results are thanks to a technique called core aeration, widely considered the most effectively method for aerating soil. This technique extracts small plugs of soil from your lawn, using specialized equipment to ensure proper depth and spacing. Built to handle heavy soils and severe aeration problems, our Turf Tamer® equipment will deliver the results your lawn needs.

Our services are available in:

  • Hendersonville
  • Clarksville
  • Nashville
  • Nolensville
  • Franklin
  • Brentwood
  • Springfield
  • Surrounding areas

For lawn aeration in Hendersonville, contact Lawn Doctor of Clarksville-Nashville today!