Tick Control in Bridgewater: Autumn Doesn’t Mean an End to These Pests

Closeup picture of a tick found during Tick Control in Bridgewater

As autumn approaches in Bridgewater, Hillsborough, and other surrounding communities in NJ, tick control might fall off your to-do list. However, the season for ticks generally runs through the end of September and can extend even longer depending on temperatures. It’s why continuing to treat these pests is still critical and where the experts at Lawn Doctor of Bridgewater can help.

Why Fall Tick Control in Bridgewater is Key

You might be noticing your lawn is bouncing back, emerging from a season of dormancy, and growing once again. As it does, though, it also provides longer blades and more shade where ticks like to hide. In addition, as leaves start to fall and if trees and shrubs become overgrown, these too can provide areas where ticks are able to make a home and breed. It’s why tick treatments are still key in autumn and where Lawn Doctor of Bridgewater comes in.

With our Yard Armour® Tick Control program, Lawn Doctor of Bridgewater offers complete coverage and control through the rest of the area’s tick season. We do more than deliver a one-time spray, but provide comprehensive services that include:

  • Treating. With our proven program, we’ll treat the existing activity in your yard, wiping out adults and stopping the development of their eggs and larvae, so new generations don’t emerge.
  • Suppressing. If needed, we’ll return at carefully timed points providing maintenance sprays until temperatures are low enough to where ticks are no longer a problem.
  • Educating. During our Yard Armour Tick Control program, Lawn Doctor of Bridgewater will also educate you on best practices for making your yard a less inviting place for these pests, as well as the animals that carry them in on their coats.

Serving Bridgewater with Tick Control That’s Guaranteed

Lawn Doctor of Bridgewater is proud of our reputation for not only providing effective treatments, but safer, healthier time outside. It’s why so many families turn to us for treatments that are effective and guaranteed to work. If you’re ready to do the same and get a superior level of tick control, Lawn Doctor of Bridgewater is here for you with services available in:

  • Bridgewater
  • Hillsborough
  • Springfield
  • Summit
  • Flemington
  • Clinton
  • And throughout the surrounding area

For powerful and proven tick control in Bridgewater, NJ, contact Lawn Doctor of Bridgewater today for a free consultation and estimate!