Flea Control in Summit

Girl sitting and hugging her dog after Lawn Doctor provided Flea Control in SummitIf you want to protect your yard from fleas, Lawn Doctor of Bridgewater has you covered. With our expert flea control services throughout Summit, we offer detailed treatments to destroy adult fleas, eliminate their offspring, and protect your yard from current and future infestations. Since these pests are common in the region and often transported by wild animals, we also recommend taking proactive steps to reduce the potential for an infestation. Let’s take a look at our expert flea prevention tips.

Protecting Your Yard From Fleas

Preventing fleas is an active process, but if you follow these tips and develop good habits, you can reduce the risk of an infestation. Our suggestions include:

  • Do not over-water. By limiting moisture to the necessary amount, you can avoid creating ideal conditions for fleas. Our suggestion is to add one inch of water per week to your lawn.
  • Remove clutter. Fleas require shaded habitats, so any object that provides added shade in your yard can potentially create flea issues.
  • Protect your yard from wildlife. Fleas are carried by deer, squirrels, feral cats, and other animals, so consider taking steps to deter these creatures from entering your yard.
  • Increase sunlight. Fleas love the shade, so create more sunlight in your yard by trimming trees and shrubs on a consistent basis.

Professional Flea Control For Your Yard in Summit

While the DIY tips outlined above will help reduce the risk of a flea infestation, our expert treatments are the best way to tackle current and future flea issues. We provide spray treatments to destroy occupying flea populations, as well as detailed property inspections to find and remove their eggs, larvae, and pupae. By taking a proactive approach to this issue, we can cut down their massive breeding output and protect your yard from a serious infestation.

With every flea control treatment, you can count on convenient and detail-oriented service from our highly experienced professionals. We will neutralize existing fleas and protect you, your yard, and your beloved pets from this ongoing nuisance. Our expert flea control services are available throughout:

  • Summit
  • Bridgewater
  • Springfield
  • Flemington
  • Clinton
  • Hillsborough
  • and the surrounding areas

For flea control in Summit, contact us today.