Lawn Aeration in Redmond

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Aeration in Redmond

You may know exactly when you need to water or mow your lawn. You may even be familiar with the correct timing for fertilization. However, understanding when your lawn should be aerated can be a little trickier. Lawn aeration is a special treatment that lowers the density of compacted soil, allowing oxygen and water to circulate more readily throughout underground root systems. If you’d like to know more about when you should have your lawn in Redmond aerated, you can trust the experienced team at Lawn Doctor of Bothell-Redmond-Woodinville to fill you in.

Is It Time For Lawn Aeration in Redmond?

Like watering, mowing, and fertilization, aeration is a process that is essential to lawn health. However, it doesn’t need to be done nearly as frequently as these other tasks. In fact, you can consider aeration an annual job. That being said, every lawn is different, and it is important to understand the signs of compaction so that you don’t wait so long to aerate your lawn that grass root systems suffocate.

Signs You Need Aeration

You’ll want to look for red flags such as puddling and spots where heavy foot traffic has made itself visible. Puddling signals a problem with water drainage, meaning the foundation of your yard is too dense to allow moisture through. Areas of heavy traffic indicate that the soil has become compacted through frequent exposure to pressure.

Another sign that your lawn needs aeration is if it fails to pass the screwdriver test. To perform this test, insert a pointed object, such as a screwdriver, into the ground. If you can’t insert the screwdriver deep into the soil, your lawn needs to be aerated.

When to Aerate

Aeration should generally be completed right before the growing season. To time this precisely, knowing your grass type and local weather patterns will be important. While annual aeration is the general rule of thumb, some lawns that do not have a tendency towards compaction can stay healthy with biennial aeration.

Get Started With Lawn Aeration in Redmond

You won’t have to worry about aeration timing when you have our expert professionals to rely on. We perform core aeration for yards in:

  • Redmond
  • Bothell
  • Woodinville
  • And throughout the surrounding area

For lawn aeration in Redmond, contact us today!