Lawn Aeration in Henrico

extremely green grass after Lawn Doctor provided Lawn Aeration in Henrico.

At Lawn Doctor of Greater Richmond, our clients sometimes ask us why Spring lawn aeration is so important. Most homeowners in Henrico understand why turf needs to be watered and fertilized. But when it comes to aerating the soil, that’s a trickier subject.

The short version is that soil aeration is what allows air and water to reach your turf’s roots. When your soil is properly aerated in the Spring, air and water filter through the soil and nourish your turf all Summer long. When soil gets compacted, it effectively chokes your turf, blocking air and water. It’s little wonder we emphasize the importance of aerating your soil!

Understanding Lawn Aeration in Henrico

To understand how aeration works, imagine taking a small square of soil and turf out of your yard. If you look at it from the side, you’ll see grass blades on top. Underneath, you’ll see a mixture of soil and roots.

If you look closely at the soil, you’ll also see thousands of tiny gaps and pathways. These gaps and pathways are what allows air to flow through the soil. They’re also what allows the soil to absorb water after it rains or when you water your lawn. In short, these gaps and pathways allow air and water to filter down and get absorbed by your turf’s roots.

Now, what happens if we start to seal off these gaps and pathways? That would mean air and water can no longer filter through the soil. In response, turf grass will start to struggle, becoming brittle and sparse.

This is precisely what happens when lawns start to suffer from soil compaction. Weight from above causes the soil to become packed more tightly, which makes it harder for soil to absorb air and water. Turf starts to struggle in these areas, creating patchy or outright barren sections of your lawn.

We recommend Spring lawn aeration to maintain healthy soil and prevent soil compaction.

Spring Core Aeration Services in Your Area

Lawn Doctor of Greater Richmond is known for the quality and consistency of our Spring lawn aeration treatments in Henrico.

These results are made possible by a technique called core aeration. Core aeration involves removing small cylinders (or cores) of soil, which allows soil to resettle over a period of days or weeks. Once the soil has finished resettling, it will have the gaps and channels needed for proper aeration.

Our Spring core aeration treatments are available in a number of surrounding areas. We currently offer lawn aeration treatments in:

  • Henrico
  • Richmond
  • Midlothian
  • Chesterfield
  • Chester
  • Glen Allen
  • Ashland
  • Mechanicsville
  • Hanover
  • and throughout the surrounding areas

For lawn aeration in Henrico, contact Lawn Doctor of Greater Richmond today!