Lawn Fertilization in Maryville

Pretty Woman playing with cute puppy on manicured green grass

Fertilizing your yard is one of the most important steps toward keeping it healthy and producing consistent growth from season to season. Although it’s a common lawn treatment, it’s a process that’s difficult to execute effectively without help from the pros. At Lawn Doctor of West Knoxville, we apply our top-of-the-line fertilizers with our proprietary equipment to bring dependable lawn fertilization to our neighbors spanning the entire Maryville, TN area.

How Different Lawn Fertilization Products Affect Your Yard

One of the factors of fertilization treatments that effects the results you get is the type of product used. Different types of fertilizer have different uses when it comes to repairing your lawn, maintaining it, and keeping it growing from season to season. Our team is made up of experts who know the ins and outs of different fertilizers and how they affect your lawn. Here’s a closer look at how we adjust our treatments by using different fertilizer products:

Liquid Fertilizers. Liquid fertilizers release nutrients rapidly into your yard, making them an ideal option for lawns that are recovering from major issues or lawns that are in the middle of an overhaul. The rapid-release formula of most liquid fertilizers also makes them great for boosting growth after extended bouts of harsh weather.

Granulated Fertilizers. Granulated fertilizers, unlike liquid fertilizers, release their nutrients more slowly. The slow-release composition of granulated fertilizers makes them great for long-term lawn maintenance and giving your yard consistent access to nutrients over time. With this long-term approach, granulated fertilizers are great for maintaining lawns that have a more established nutrient density.

Synthetic Fertilizers. Synthetic fertilizers, due to their man-made nature, often contain a significantly higher concentration of nutrients than organic fertilizers. Their high nutrient concentration makes synthetic fertilizers great for giving your lawn a fast-acting health boost.

Professional Lawn Fertilization for Maryville Residents

Choosing the professional lawn fertilization we offer at Lawn Doctor of West Knoxville presents several advantages over applying fertilizer to your lawn on your own. By working with us, you’ll get access to treatments that use top-of-the-line fertilizers and advanced equipment to maximize results.

We offer our professional lawn fertilization solutions to our neighbors located all over the area. The following are the communities we serve:

  • Maryville
  • Knoxville
  • Oak Ridge
  • Loudon
  • Vonore
  • Sevierville
  • Jefferson City
  • Dandridge
  • Talbott
  • White Pines
  • And throughout the surrounding areas

To learn more about our lawn fertilization in Maryville, contact us today!