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Lawn pH Balancing Tips from Lawn Doctor

Posted on January 9, 2014 by Lawn Doctor

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As many of you know during the hot summer months, it is important to regularly check the pH level of your swimming pool. By maintaining the appropriate pH balance in your pool you are making sure that the products you put in the water work properly to keep the water clean and ready to be enjoyed. Well your lawn is no different. Lawn pH balancing can be equally as important as inspecting your pool.

What exactly is lawn pH balancing?

In order for your lawn  to continue to grow and develop it must be kept at the appropriate pH level. Many people neglect maintaining this balance in their soil and their lawns suffer. If your lawn’s pH level is too acidic (low) or alkaline (high) your grass can have difficulty obtaining the necessary nutrients from the soil. Without the proper lawn pH your lawn could lose its healthy green appearance you have worked so hard for.

Benefits of pH Level Soil Testing

If your lawn is starting to deteriorate, the problem could be with its pH level. Maintaining the appropriate pH balance (approximately between 6.0-6.5) can improve your lawns current condition in a number of ways:

  1. It facilitates the growth of your grass by allowing it to obtain the nutrients in the soil
  2. It encourages the development and maintenance of healthy soil.

Lawn pH Balancing Tips from Lawn Doctor Director John Buechner




How to Test Your Lawns pH Levels

  1. Take a sample of the soil two to three inches deep from the lawn. This particular section of the lawn soil is called the root zone, which is needed to test your lawn’s pH level.
  2. Remove any debris left over such as rocks, thatch or grass. The root zone must not contain any grass and thatch to ensure your pH test is accurate.
  3. Repeat this process for other areas in your lawn

For complete instructions on how to take a soil sample from your lawn, reference here for an in-depth look. To test the soil sample; you can buy soil test kits at a local Garden Center or take it to a lawn care expert. Call Lawn Doctor today.

If it turns out the pH level is low, it can be remedied by adding an alkaline material like lime to raise the soil’s pH levels. If the level is too high, a mild acid or sulfur can be used to balance back the pH levels. When the sulfur is mixed with water it results in a diluted form of sulfuric acid, which can be used to lower the pH level range balance.

Tired of the tedious and grueling work of maintaining your lawn?

Contact Lawn Doctor to help care for your lawn when you can’t.

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